If you wish to purchase a model or discuss any customization please send me a message to arrange all details. 

Besides stock models I offer cooperation in development and production of custom prototypes according your specifications. A virtual model, a real supermaster as well as series of kits or final models are possible results. So, your dream project can become reality. Do not hesitate to contact me.

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6€ (up to 1 kg)
8€ (over 1 kg)

12€ (up to 1 kg)
14€ (over 1 kg)

22€ (up to 1 kg)
25€ (over 1 kg)


Prices including packing fee. Shipments are standardly insured up to 2.000 Eur. Higher insurance may result in an increase of the shipping fee. The sender does not accept responsibility for any damage caused by carrier during delivery.

PUR–casting of bodyshells

Final assembling of models

–140.0 (E499.0) 1/87
–TATRA T3 1/87